Monday, August 31, 2009

Yellow Journalism

With the White House Mob working the country, the mob is aided and abetted by the Yellow Journalism present in network television and newspaper organizations. None of the individuals will stand up for honesty in reporting in the journalist field. They fear for their jobs. They are colored by the focus directed by their owners and as such are colored yellow because they will not stand up for what is correct. I avoid the word "right" because of connotations associated with political leanings. We have too many yellow journalists. When you view the White House spokesman you can tell he is lying, and spreading manure of the mob. Why does the journalistic community permit him to slosh around in obvious lies. Are the journalists afraid to be put on the White House list for future action by White House lieutenants? They are yellow in the sense of cowards. Let's be clear, there is an obvious bias in the reporting community, and until the yellow press becomes neutral, these organizations will lose readers and watchers and eventually go out of business. I don't think there will be be hope of a bailout for obvious poor management of a supposedly watchdog organization that isn't doing their job. We the people: are back, and are not stupid!

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