Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Time for Action - Tell the Mob

There is a time and place to take action. Sometimes you find you have waited too long, or have taken the intelligence of people for granted. I mean that you have over-estimated the intellect, current event knowledge, and knowledge of history of your fellow citizens. Perhaps you have under-estimated the apathy of those who do posses the ability to make informed choices when presented with the opportunity to make a choice. As a result we have the current situation in our country. It is time to rally, march, confront and communicate.

We have a cartoon of events with our congress calling their constituents artificial, fake and stupid when just the opposite is the truth. We have had a continual erosion or is it corrosion of talent in Congress. Talent defined is being able to stand for the people they represent, not the ruling mob in the White House. Talent is further defined as knowledge, intelligence and the ability to read and write. What is it when Congress doesn't even write their own legislation but leaves it to special interest groups to pen legislation? What is it when what is written isn't readable, and if it is readable it isn't read by our legislature who have taken an oath to do so. Is it too hard? Is it too obtuse? Well stand up, and fix it, do your job! You have taken an oath -- do your job!

It seems the White House has taken a page from Chicago's past. They are operating like the mob of yesteryear -- Big Al, that is Al Capone. What you do is surround yourself with lieutenants that do your "special" work so you don't get your fingers dirty. The lieutenants do the intimation, spying, data collection, reporting and other dirty work. I suppose some call these special operatives, Obama's czars? These lieutenants report directly to the boss, they are not elected and serve only the boss. In case of trouble, the blame falls on the lieutenant and is thus provides insulation for the boss and the lieutenant falls on their sword. It worked well in the past and appears to be alive and well again in the current White House.

Where are the police for this mob? Well congress is paid off, favors, pork -- congressional members are pseudo mob members and as such will not provide the policing for the Executive Branch. So as it was with Big Al. Our country is being run by a mob.

We need to remind the mob, who is in charge. We need to take charge, rally and march to demonstrate citizen unity, communicate to Washington, that our elected officials are not permanent residents of D.C., but represent the people: We the people.

Go to Washington and communicate, September 9, 2009

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