Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Countdown

Well the big boss is going to spout some candied rhetoric reminiscent of the campaign speeches -- this time before Congress. Congress is clueless that the Boss is undermining their function and purpose through the use of his czar/lieutenants. The loss of Van Jones illustrates how easy it is to drop one when the need arises. This group of goons is subject to only the Boss is likely unconstitutional and is obvious to all but the clueless Congress. When is Congress going to wake and realize the goons and the mob boss are running Washington. It is really crap that the tax payers have to fund this illegal bunch of intimidating mob goons. If a President is unable to function in his role even with all of the support of his hand selected cabinet, it certainly looks like there is a lack of experience at the executive level. Of course if you are operating like Big Al Capone in the mob and goon control technique, and are planning a full makeover, you don't need Congress or the people. With ACORN looking like Hitlers Youths, the boss talking major change while sleeping with the Lawyers lobby and union lobbies, perhaps we have an Adolf rather than a Barack. Again, lack of judgement is illustrated with Van Jones bordering on egotistical behaviour.

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