Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Countdown

Well the big boss is going to spout some candied rhetoric reminiscent of the campaign speeches -- this time before Congress. Congress is clueless that the Boss is undermining their function and purpose through the use of his czar/lieutenants. The loss of Van Jones illustrates how easy it is to drop one when the need arises. This group of goons is subject to only the Boss is likely unconstitutional and is obvious to all but the clueless Congress. When is Congress going to wake and realize the goons and the mob boss are running Washington. It is really crap that the tax payers have to fund this illegal bunch of intimidating mob goons. If a President is unable to function in his role even with all of the support of his hand selected cabinet, it certainly looks like there is a lack of experience at the executive level. Of course if you are operating like Big Al Capone in the mob and goon control technique, and are planning a full makeover, you don't need Congress or the people. With ACORN looking like Hitlers Youths, the boss talking major change while sleeping with the Lawyers lobby and union lobbies, perhaps we have an Adolf rather than a Barack. Again, lack of judgement is illustrated with Van Jones bordering on egotistical behaviour.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What's the Agenda?

It is difficult to determine Obama's agenda, secret, hidden or otherwise. There are several points that are clear and what you already know:

1. Obama has poor judgement. He selects people with a illegal, radical and subversive backgrounds for his support staff. Obviously he's not too adept at vetting his old friends and associates. Illustrates a poor judgement over and over again.

2. Obama has exhibited poor performance. Obama hasn't been successful in anything but the appointment of one Supreme Court Judge. He clearly has suffered sub-par results in every area except in attempt to avert focus such as the recent rear view vision and waste of money in continuing the "enhanced interviewing" techniques of the CIA. However, everyone see through this sideshow as a diversion from the failing Heath Care Bill and as such is too a failure.

3. Obama's lack of management, and leadership experience is exhibited in his need to surround himself with possible un-constitutional czars to cover all of the topics a US president should cover independently. Looks like he is unable to do the job. Also, this team of subversive, ill selected, and lack talent and expertise in their hired field of czardum. Bad input equals bad output, and as a result, Obama doesn't have the leadership or management skills to effectively act as President of the USA, it is obvious.

If you can't do the job, resign before you are fired.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ego-mania, Poor Leadership or Inexperience

The gathering numbers of Obama's entourage brings up visions of rock stars and their entourage.

One wonders if it is ego driven, poor leadership or inexperience that requires the large number of direct reports to Obama. What is clear, is that the resumes of the entourage does not match the assignment table of the individual direct reports. It is starting to look like Obama is surrounding himself with an entourage of lieutenants that he has absolute control. The obvious directly support the boss.

Unfortunately this is not a workable solution to inexperience and is a direct reflection on his bad judgement and poor performance. His ego is going to take some big hits and will diminish he formerly broad support down to just the followers of this charismatic leader.

Congress will soon recognize his schizophrenic and egotist behaviour and begin to have strong doubts with his experience that requires an entourage of mob like lieutenants. Support will wane and Obama's ego will suffer. Of course his ego was inflated with expectations that turned false and his promise of transparency has given way to secrecy and techniques of White House intimidation. Obama needs to clean up his act, reduce his reliance on an entourage of friends instead of experts, and start to lead instead of muck around like a mob boss or dictator.

Obama currently is shielded by delusional Nancy Pelosi who is drawing the ire of voters. Obma's press mouthpiece is showing signs of stress.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

King George Again?

It seems that we will have to fight the King George effect all over again. We have the folks still supporting the King while the majority are against the King and all that he would have to enslave Americans. It is getting tiresome to hear his mob lieutenants calling names to those who are in opposition to any and all of the King's plan. The King's health plan looks like humpty dumpty because people are not stupid. Why would you overhaul instead of fix? If government can't fix what is broken how can you trust government to develop an effective overhaul, you can't.

If you have a broken leg, does the health care system do a complete body overhaul, replacing all of your good organs with donor parts? No, absolutely not. You fix JUST what is broken. You don't overhaul. We understand that an overhaul would destroy American rights in the name of reform.

It would be appropriate for Congress to demonstrate their prowess in fixing just one thing! I don't think they can, they can't write, and of course they don't read. It's time we take back what is ours. We have too much corruption, lobbies are still corrupting Washington, and the King. Although big Al alias the King, campaigned on there will be no lobbies effecting his administration, he has lied, the word is lied, not miss-spoken folks.

It is time for change, real change, not the mob rule of Obama, not the corrupted congress, not the political bent of the attorney general. Everybody out, new and honest in for we need honest change.