One wonders if it is ego driven, poor leadership or inexperience that requires the large number of direct reports to Obama. What is clear, is that the resumes of the entourage does not match the assignment table of the individual direct reports. It is starting to look like Obama is surrounding himself with an entourage of lieutenants that he has absolute control. The obvious directly support the boss.
Unfortunately this is not a workable solution to inexperience and is a direct reflection on his bad judgement and poor performance. His ego is going to take some big hits and will diminish he formerly broad support down to just the followers of this charismatic leader.
Congress will soon recognize his schizophrenic and egotist behaviour and begin to have strong doubts with his experience that requires an entourage of mob like lieutenants. Support will wane and Obama's ego will suffer. Of course his ego was inflated with expectations that turned false and his promise of transparency has given way to secrecy and techniques of White House intimidation. Obama needs to clean up his act, reduce his reliance on an entourage of friends instead of experts, and start to lead instead of muck around like a mob boss or dictator.
Obama currently is shielded by delusional Nancy Pelosi who is drawing the ire of voters. Obma's press mouthpiece is showing signs of stress.
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